Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
A: 119. OSC: Routine/daily administration of work elements |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Complete all required EC and obtain permits prior to implementation of project work |
B: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Completed Annual Report |
D: 132. Submit 84063 Rel 3 Progress Report for the period February 2023 to January 2024 |
11/29/2024 |
11/29/2024 |
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
E: 119. IDFG: Upper Salmon Basin Manage and Administer Project |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Develop or update (out-year) prioritized Habitat Project list: Upload to CBFish |
F: 114. IDFG: Upper Salmon Basin Project Development |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Imagery Stored and Shared |
G: 161. IDFG: Maintain cloud-based repository for habitat project imagery and geo referenced maps for project planning and cooperator use. |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Construction Management Complete |
H: 100. IDFG-Lemhi-Construction Oversight and Management |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Adaptive management phase complete. |
I: 29. IDFG-Lemhi: Lower Lemhi Eagle Valley Ranch Subreach 1 Adaptive Management Phase 1. |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Complete Lower Lemhi River Subreach 1 Phase 2 Restoration |
J: 29. IDFG-Lemhi: Lower Lemhi Eagle Valley Ranch Subreach 1 Phase 2 Implementation |
09/30/2024 |
03/15/2024 |
Project reseeded and plants potted. |
K: 47. IDFG-Lemhi- Revegetation of Eagle Valley Ranch sub reach 1 phase 2. |
01/31/2025 |
Complete construction of Lower Lemhi Rehabilitation Subreach 1 Phase 3. |
L: 29. IDFG-Lemhi: Lower Lemhi Eagle Valley Ranch Subreach 1 Phase 3 Implementation |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Revegetate Lower Lemhi River Rehabilitation Subreach 1 Phase 3 project. |
M: 47. IDFG-Lemhi- Revegetation of Eagle Valley Ranch sub reach 1 phase 3. |
12/31/2024 |
Fence constructed. |
N: 40. IDFG-Lemhi- Eagle Valley Subreach 1 Phases 3 fencing |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Pivot installed. |
O: 208. IDFG-Lemhi-Pivot for EVR subreach 1 phase 3. |
01/31/2025 |
08/01/2024 |
Implement subreach 1 phase 4 construction. |
P: 29. IDFG-Lemhi: Lower Lemhi Eagle Valley Ranch Subreach 1 Phase 4 Implementation |
01/31/2025 |
Revegetate Lower Lemhi Rehabilitation Subreach 1 Phase 4 project. |
Q: 47. IDFG-Lemhi- Revegetation of Eagle Valley Ranch sub reach 1 phase 4. |
01/31/2025 |
Complete subreach 4 completion phase. |
R: 29. IDFG-Lemhi: Lower Lemhi Eagle Valley Ranch Subreach 4 |
01/31/2025 |
Subreach 1 vegetation maintained across all phases. |
S: 198. IDFG-Lemhi-Maintain Vegetation EVR Subreach 1 Phases 1, 2, 3, and 4. |
01/31/2025 |
09/30/2024 |
Final Design for Henry Phase 2 |
T: 175. IDFG-Lemhi- Middle Lemhi Henry Reach Phase 2 Design |
07/31/2024 |
07/15/2024 |
Henry property, phase 2, restoration project completed. |
U: 29. IDFG-Lemhi- Middle Lemhi Henry Reach Phase 2. |
01/31/2025 |
Fence constructed. |
V: 40. IDFG-Lemhi- Middle Lemhi Henry Reach Phase 2 Fencing |
12/31/2024 |
Henry Reach Phase 2 revegetation complete. |
W: 47. IDFG-Lemhi- Middle Lemhi Henry Reach Phase 2 Revegetation |
11/30/2024 |
Final design for Hayden Phase 2 |
X: 175. IDFG-Lemhi- Middle Lemhi River-Hayden Reach Phase 2 Design |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
New Configuration for Bohannon 3 efficiency project complete. |
Y: 208. IDFG-Lemhi- Reconstruct the Bohannon Creek Diversion #3 |
10/31/2024 |
09/30/2024 |
Wells drilled and installed. |
Z: 208. IDFG- Lemhi- McNeal Wells |
07/31/2024 |
Design complete for Beyeler Irrigation. |
AA: 175. IDFG - Lemhi: Beyeler Ranch Irrigation System Design |
01/31/2025 |
Irrigation pipeline complete. |
AB: 208. IDFG - Lemhi: Beyeler Ranch Irrigation System Purchase of Pipeline |
01/31/2025 |
Outreach materials for Lemhi River Projects developed and distributed to public. |
AC: 99. IDFG-Lemhi-Outreach and Education |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Habitat projects maintained. |
AD: 186. IDFG: Perform Unscheduled Maintenance of Habitat Project Sites in the Upper Salmon Basin |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
AE: 119. Lemhi SWCD: Project Implementation: Manage and Administer |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Construction Management Complete |
AF: 100. Lemhi SWCD Project Implementation: Provide Project Implementation Support & Construction Oversight |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Develop or update (out-year) prioritized Habitat Project list: Upload to CBFish |
AG: 114. Lemhi SWCD Project Implementation: Identify and Select Projects |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Treat noxious weeds at identified project locations and submit completed HUFs to BPA |
AH: 199. Lemhi SWCD: Lemhi Vegetation: Initial treatment |
01/31/2025 |
10/31/2024 |
Treat noxious species in the Pahsimeroi and submit completed HUFs to BPA. |
AI: 199. Lemhi SWCD: Pahsimeroi Vegetation: Initial treatment |
01/31/2025 |
10/31/2024 |
Treat noxious weed species and submit completed HUFs for on-going treatments. |
AJ: 198. Lemhi SWCD: Lemhi Vegetation: Ongoing treatment |
01/31/2025 |
10/31/2024 |
Treat noxious weeds and submit completed HUFs to BPA. |
AK: 198. Lemhi SWCD: Pahsimeroi Vegetation: Ongoing treatment |
01/31/2025 |
10/31/2024 |
Complete seeding and planting on projects in the Lemhi subbasin. |
AL: 47. Lemhi SWCD: Lemhi Vegetation Management: Rehabilitate Project Sites, Initial Treatment |
01/31/2025 |
11/29/2024 |
Complete seeding and planting in the Pahsimeroi subbasin. |
AM: 47. Lemhi SWCD: Pahsimeroi Vegetation Management: Rehabilitate Project Sites, Initial Treatment. |
01/31/2025 |
11/29/2024 |
Final Design |
AN: 175. Lemhi SWCD: Lemhi River and Kenney Creek Jackson Project Design |
01/31/2025 |
01/01/2025 |
Final Design Planset and BDR |
AO: 175. Lemhi SWCD: L-45 Diversion and Restoration Design |
01/31/2025 |
Final Design Planset, cost estimate, and bid documents ready for implementation contractor bid |
AS: 175. Lemhi SWCD: Bar 20 to BLM |
01/31/2025 |
Project Repair/Maintenance Complete |
AT: 186. TU: Beyeler Upper Mainstem/Springs Adaptive Management |
01/31/2025 |
30% Design Complete |
AU: 175. TU: Deep Creek Hilwig Flood Plain Restoration Design |
01/31/2025 |
Construction Management Complete |
AV: 100. IDFG-Pahsimeroi-Construction Oversight and Management |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Big Springs project revegetated |
AW: 47. IDFG- Pahsimeroi-Revegetation of Big Springs |
11/30/2024 |
08/31/2024 |
Fence constructed. |
AX: 40. IDFG- Pahsimeroi-Big Springs Fencing |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Last Chance Ranch phase 2 constructed. |
AY: 29. IDFG-Pahsimeroi-Last Chance Ranch Upper Pahsimeroi Phase 2 |
01/31/2025 |
Complete revegetation of restoration project. |
AZ: 47. IDFG-Pahsimeroi-Last Chance Ranch-Upper Pahsimeroi Phase 2 Revegetation |
01/30/2025 |
Riparian fencing completed. |
BA: 40. IDFG-Pahsimeroi-Last Chance Ranch-Upper Pahsimeroi Phase 2 Fencing |
12/31/2024 |
Restoration project completed. |
BB: 29. IDFG-North Fork Salmon River-Ty Cole Property |
01/31/2025 |
08/15/2024 |
Restoration project revegetated. |
BC: 47. IDFG-North Fork Salmon River-Ty Cole Property Revegetation |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Ty Cole Design Complete |
BD: 175. IDFG-North Fork-Produce Ty Cole Property Design |
07/01/2024 |
06/30/2024 |
IDL and Page property adaptive BDA/ PAL complete. |
BE: 29. IDFG-Pahsimeroi-Page BDA and IDL BDA Project Adaptive Management |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Hanging T Ranch design complete. |
BF: 175. IDFG-Pahsimeroi-Hanging T Ranch Ranch Plan Design |
01/31/2025 |
Revegetate Pahsimeroi restoration contracts. |
BG: 47. IDFG-Pahsimeroi- Pahsimeroi Implementation Project Revegetation |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2024 |
Fence constructed. |
BH: 40. IDFG-Pahsimeroi- Pahsimeroi Implementation Project Fencing |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2024 |
Double culvert to bridge replacement complete. |
BI: 184. IDFG-Upper Salmon-Bia Po’i Naokwaide (SQ) Creek double culvert to bridge project |
12/31/2024 |
Design for SQ Creek complete. |
BJ: 175. IDFG-Upper Salmon-Bia Po’i Naokwaide (SQ) Creek culvert to bridge design |
08/30/2024 |
Design for East Tower Road culvert complete. |
BK: 175. IDFG-Tower Creek- East Fork Tower Creek Road-Culvert Removal Design |
01/31/2025 |
Kinnikinic Bridge designed. |
BL: 175. IDFG-Upper Salmon-Kinnikinic Creek Culvert to Bridge Design |
01/31/2025 |
Poison Creek Bridge Designed. |
BM: 175. IDFG-Upper Salmon-Poison Creek Culvert to Bridge Design |
01/31/2025 |
Final Design Completed for Bar-G Muddy Springs Habitat Phase 2 |
BN: 175. TU: Bar G Muddy Springs Design 2024 |
01/31/2025 |
Water Delivery and Fencing Completed to protect water and habitat |
BO: 208. TU: Bar-G Muddy Spring Habitat Phase 1 - Irrigation infrastructure construction |
01/31/2025 |
Bridge Purchase |
BP: 184. Custer SWCD: Purchase Bridge for Road Creek |
10/31/2024 |
10/25/2024 |
Completed construction of the project |
BQ: 29. IDFG-Lemhi: Lower Lemhi Eagle Valley Ranch Subreach 1 Adaptive Management Phase 2 |
01/31/2025 |
Completed project construction |
BR: 29. IDFG-Lemhi- Middle Lemhi River-Hayden Reach Phase 2 Implementation |
01/31/2025 |
Completed construction |
BS: 29. IDFG-Pahsimeroi-Last Chance Ranch Upper Pahsimeroi Phase 1 Modification |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
Conceptual 15% design complete. |
BT: 175. IDFG-Pahsimeroi-River Valley Ranch Design and Spring Connection |
01/31/2025 |
01/31/2025 |
TNC ranch management and restoration plan uploaded to CBfish |
BU: 174. TNC-Lemhi River Ranch Management and Restoration Plan |
01/31/2025 |
Jack Fence Constructed |
BV: 186. TU: Bar-G Muddy Springs Culvert Replacement - fence construction |
01/31/2025 |
01/16/2025 |
Construction bridge acquired. |
BW: 184. IDFG: River Valley Ranch Construction Bridge |
01/31/2025 |